Sunday 25 December 2016

Get the Most Cost Effective Rhinoplasty in Mumbai

It is natural for people to want to look their best and feel confident about themselves. Sometimes, people find themselves burdened with the lack of a graceful physical appearance and imperfections. This comes in the way of their self-esteem. In some professions, making a great first impression is crucial. Cosmetic surgery is a way to correct imperfections that has already helped numerous individuals with their physical appearance worldwide. Rhinoplasty is among those popular facial cosmetic procedures that can give you a shapely and perfect nose.

Rhinoplasty is nose reconstructive surgery. It is also known as nasal refinement and even commonly referred to as a ‘Nose Job.’ Rhinoplasty can also correct many problems related to the nose that may have arisen due to genetics, trauma, deformity, or disease. The ability to address aesthetic concerns is definitely not the only benefit. Rhinoplasty can refine the nose and give the face a balanced visual appeal.

The cost of Rhinoplasty in Mumbai, India is approximately a fifth of the cost of the same procedure in the US or Europe. Parts of the process can also be covered by health insurance if the treatment is performed for the reasons such as breathing problems.

The cost of Rhinoplasty in Mumbai depends on the surgeon and the facility you have chosen for the treatment. Indian cosmetic surgeons are world-renowned for providing flawless cosmetic results at affordable costs. However, you have to consider the track record, skills, training, and qualifications of the surgeon. It is also a good idea to check the track record of the clinic or hospital you have chosen. In Mumbai, the best facilities have well-trained staff, high-tech equipment, and the best surgeons to assist you with the latest surgical techniques. They can make sure that the surgery is carried out in the most cost-effective way and produce the results that you desire.

You must take an informed decision before opting for Rhinoplasty and look for the established medical centers and clinics in Mumbai that offer world-class surgical treatments at the most affordable rates. 

Thursday 24 November 2016

Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon in India Can Make Your Face More Appealing Than Ever

Rhinoplasty is more commonly known as a ‘nose job’, and it is a type of cosmetic or reconstructive surgery that aims to reshape or refine the nose. Whether you are considering a nose job for cosmetic or reconstructive reasons, it is important to let only the best rhinoplasty surgeon in India conduct the procedure. The best rhinoplasty surgeon in India can evaluate your condition and recommend the right course of action to refine or reshape your nose and make your face more appealing. Many problems with the nose are caused by genetics, disease, trauma, or botched surgery, and these can be corrected with a nose job performed by a licensed and experienced rhinoplasty surgeon.

Only a skilled rhinoplasty surgeon in India can make your nose more aesthetically pleasing and balanced with your other facial features. The best rhinoplasty surgeon in India may remove a nasal hump to give the nose a more symmetrical and pleasing look. The nasal cartilage may be trimmed or reshaped to create a smaller or a pleasant-looking nose. The surgeon is skilled to refine your nose and combine the procedure with another rhinoplasty procedure like septorhinoplasty, which aims to straighten the nose to fix the deformity caused by trauma, bone abnormalities, or a deviated nasal septum.

Rhinoplasty is among the popular cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures in India, and as it makes your face more appealing than ever, it can boost your confidence and self-esteem, too. The best rhinoplasty surgeon in India recommends getting this surgery once the nose has completely developed by the age of 13 or 15 years. Seasoned rhinoplasty surgeons in India can conduct crooked nose treatment, dorsal hump removal, and complex nose reconstruction procedures at reasonable costs. In fact, the cost of rhinoplasty in India is about one-tenth of the cost of the surgery in the US and the UK.

Friday 30 September 2016

Rhinoplasty Surgeon in India - Not Only the Best but Affordable Too

If you have chosen to undergo rhinoplasty in India in order to get access to more affordable surgeons, you won’t be disappointed. There really is a huge price difference between ‘nose jobs’ in the US and in India. Primary rhinoplasty typically costs $7,300 in the US but only $2,900 on average in India. Tip rhinoplasty costs about $6,300 in the US, but only $1,300 in this part of Asia. You will save a lot of money by having the procedure done here—even after you factor in the costs of airfare and accommodation.

Top rhinoplasty surgeons in India are also some of the best and most experienced in the world. The best rhinoplasty surgeon in India is trained and educated in the US or in Europe so you can be sure that you’re getting world-class care. The country is a growing medical tourism hub that offers affordable nose surgery. But of course, you need to take precautions when choosing a rhinoplasty surgeon-whether in India or anywhere in the world. You want to put your life in the hands of a licensed and highly experienced surgeon.

Whether you need rhinoplasty for medical reasons or simply want it for cosmetic enhancement, you should work with the best rhinoplasty surgeon in India. Find a topnotch doctor who is highly awarded and respected in the industry. The best surgeons are not only able to improve the shape and size of the nose but also enhance its function. For example, if you have difficulty breathing or if your deviated septum causes you to get infections, the best surgeons can help you.

Look at the surgeon’s portfolio of before and after pictures. Do you like the results? You might even be able to get in touch with former patients and ask them about their experience. Are they happy with how the procedure turned out? Also be sure to seek an online consultation with the rhinoplasty surgeon before you fly to India. Don’t be shy to ask any questions you might have. This is a good opportunity to assess whether you feel comfortable with the surgeon or not.

Tuesday 6 September 2016

How a Cosmetic Surgeon in Mumbai Can Help You Achieve Your Best Shape

Did you know a cosmetic surgeon won’t just improve your appearance, but also help make you healthier? While it’s true that cosmetic surgeries in Mumbai are primarily performed for the sake of vanity and increasing one’s self esteem, they can also tangible physical health benefits.

Let’s take a breast reduction surgery, for example. You may elect to undergo this procedure to improve your appearance and be able to wear certain types of clothes, but it can also take some stress off your back and shoulders—and this can ultimately ease any back pains you might be having. Some patients in Mumbai even experience relief from headaches that may be caused by the pressure that large breasts can put on the upper trunk and neck. A breast reduction can likewise enable you to more actively engage in more exercise activities. Large breasts are often impediments to intense aerobic exercises, so breast reduction (and the weight loss that accompanies it) may dramatically increase your ability to do rigorous fitness routines.

Liposuction may also have health benefits beyond improving your appearance. People who weigh less are usually at a lower risk of developing heart diseases. It’s also easier to control your cholesterol and blood pressure when you weigh less. And because your joints will no longer have to bear as much pressure, liposuction can help ease joint stiffness and pain. Many patients likewise find it is easier to remain healthy and keep the weight off after undergoing a liposuction.

Rhinoplasty is another cosmetic procedure that can improve the function of the nose, aside from making it look better. If you have obstructive breathing symptoms because of problems with your nasal airway, rhinoplasty can correct these issues and improve your breathing. The result? Your exercise tolerance may increase, and you might even be able to sleep better.

Benefits of Getting Facial Procedures by Cosmetic Surgeons in Mumbai

Cosmetic surgery can be the solution to fix your facial imperfections, especially if they have become a cause for your insecurity and poor self-confidence. Working with the right cosmetic surgeons in Mumbai will ensure a successful facial procedure that can fix any imperfection you might have. These professionals went through rigorous training and certification, and they have the experience and knowledge in conducting common facial procedures like facelifts, fillers and Botox, and rhinoplasty.

Seasoned cosmetic surgeons in Mumbai can safely conduct a facelift, a cosmetic surgery procedure that can make your face look younger. The procedure involves tightening and lifting the upper and the underside of the facial skin. It may not stop the ageing process, but it can take a few or more years off your face. A skilled surgeon can make you look fresher and younger—and nobody has to know that you had a facelift unless you tell them. Cosmetic surgeons know the proper methods of removing excess skin from the face, with or without tightening the tissues, and redraping the skin on your neck and face.

Botox and fillers are often applied for quick and easy fixes that can combat the signs of ageing. Botox helps relax the muscles of your face, but only qualified and licensed cosmetic surgeons can inject it into your face to fix your wrinkles, furrows, and face lines. It may be used to treat migraines, excessive salivation, hemifacial spasms, and involuntary squinting, too. Reputable cosmetic surgeons can provide safe and reasonably priced injections, and use Botox to treat problem areas on sensitive places like the ones around your eyes.

Only a skilled and experienced cosmetic surgeon can perform rhinoplasty or a nose job in Mumbai.  With his help, you can correct or fix abnormalities and problems on your nose for a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. Cosmetic surgeons are trained to conduct any type of rhinoplasty safely and effectively, with pleasant results and minimal side-effects.

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Facts About Quick Lift Face Lift - How to know if a Quick Lift Face Lift is Right for You

Facelifts are becoming more and more popular with people who desire a more youthful look. Are you thinking of getting one but are apprehensive because this is invasive and involves a long downtime period? Then you might be happy to know that so-called ‘quick’ lift face lifts are now possible. This minimally invasive procedure offers excellent benefits to patients in terms of results, recovery periods, and surgery time. Talk to a qualified surgeon today to assess if a quick face lift might be best for your case.

Did you know that women tend to experience the signs of aging—especially in the facial area—earlier than men do? This is because women have thinner skin. Quick lift face lifts will “pull” on sagging parts and stretch them out over the face for a smoother look. If you are looking to get a quick lift face lift, you should consult with a qualified plastic surgeon.

A quick lift face lift is still a face lift and will require a surgeon to make an incision that will run along your hairline and then behind the ears. However, a quick lift makes an upward-directed lifting—not the usual backward-directed lifting that is done in a traditional face lift. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be a certain age to be a good candidate for a quick lift face lift. That said, patients who seek this procedure tend to be round 40 to 65 years old.

One of the main reasons why some people are worried about getting face lifts is because they are afraid of scarring. With quick lift face lifts, scar lines will be undetectable once the incision heals. What’s more, this type of procedure will only have patients with minimal bruising and swelling for a few days. Most of the time, the swell and bruises can be camouflaged under hair.

To find out if the quick lift face lift is ideal for you, consult with a plastic surgeon. If your wrinkles are more defined, a traditional face lift may be better for you.

Thursday 2 June 2016

Face Lifts - Facts and Myths

Getting a face lift is one of the ways to use science order to “control” aging. According to statistics, the face lift is one of the most common procedures sought by both men and women who are looking to get a more youthful look. Are you thinking of undergoing this cosmetic surgery? In this short article, we discuss the facts and dispel the most common myths about face lifts to you can make an informed decision:

Myth: Facelifts will leave you looking unnatural.

A lot of people are wary of getting a facelift for fear of looking like a plastic Barbie doll after the procedure. But as long as you go to a proper plastic surgeon, you shouldn’t have to worry about this. To get a better idea of what to expect, ask your plastic surgeon for a before and after portfolio of his or her previous patients.

Myth: Recovery is very painful and takes a long time.

Most of you are going to feel after your procedure is discomfort. As long as you follow your surgeon’s rules and take your medicine as instructed, you should be fine. It’s important to stay in bed for the first week but after that, you can continue with your regular life. You need to avoid certain like strenuous workouts, of course.

Fact: Not everyone is a good candidate for a face lift.

When you come in for a consultation, the surgeon will assess your general health as well as your expectations in deciding whether or not you are a good candidate for a facelift. Your lifestyle may play a role, too. If you tend to smoke or drink a lot, a face lift might not be for you because it will hinder the healing process. 

Fact: Only a facial plastic surgeon should perform face lifts.

It’s important to understand that not all doctors or surgeons are actually qualified to perform face lift surgeries. You want to go to a specialist to get the best results. Always do a background check on the surgeon’s educational attainment and experience.